Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Studio Tsunami - Podcast 07

Wow, I DO have little listeners XD. I mean, the last one is already gone! Wow! And that while my podcasts are getting longer and longer XD We have a new record again! Almost 1.5 hour Xd Sorry guys! I saved it at a low quality, which means less quality, but it's less than 50 mb that way XD That is always cool, ne?
This Podcasts has some embarressing acting from me XD. Even I looked up with: "What the freak is going on there XD."

For about the music and my policy, check the post of the first podcast. The summary: if your music is in it and you don't want me to use it, simply e-mail me, and I'll take it out ^_^ . mailto:w_shadowhunter@*removethis*hotmail.com)
But I didn't use the full songs, and saved it all on a lower quality.
Now, to get this show on the road! Or as I always say: Let's get this wave into action!
Cover: Nuria (click to see, as well as the subjects and credits for the music I used!)
Download Here (also in search of a reliable host)
Podcast facts:1 hour and 26 minutes in total (ULTIMATE WOW O.o) Lotsa rambling though XD
12.5 minutes of storytelling.
Things I already know for the next time: Low quality, but it was either low quality or big file size.